Does installing SharePoint PowerAutomate create a plain CSV file from email?
Categories: TECHNOLOGY
In this PowerApps instructional exercise, we will examine how to make CSV record in SharePoint utilizing PowerApps and Power Automate. By taking a straightforward situation, we will perceive how to trade information to succeed utilizing PowerApps and Power Automate.
PowerApps Export to CSV
In this model, we will perceive the way we can send out PowerApps Data to a CSV document utilizing SharePoint Online. Follow these underneath moves toward do as such:
a. Patient Name (By default, this is a Title segment, just I renamed it to Patient Name)
b. Age (Number Data type)
c. Date Of Birth (Date and Time Data type)
d. Orientation (Choice Data type)
e. Portable Number (Number Data type)
f. Email Address (Single line of text Data type)
g. Area (Choice Data type)
Next coming to PowerApps, follow the beneath cycles to send out CSV.
1. Sign in the PowerApps application with your qualifications.
2. Make a clear new Canvas application and pick any one Layout either Tablet or Phone.
3. On the Powerapps Blank screen, Connect the SharePoint List Data source (View - > Data sources - > Search SharePoint - > Add another association or existing interface - > Select explicit SharePoint Site - > Choose explicit SharePoint List [Patient Registration Details]) - > Hit on Connect button. When you will add the SharePoint show, it will look as displayed underneath.
4. On the PowerApps Blank Screen, Insert a Vertical Gallery control (Insert - > Gallery - > Vertical) and set the SharePoint list ['Patient Registration Details'] to its Items property.
5. In this underneath screen capture, here the upward Gallery control Layout is "Title, Subtitle, and Body" and the Field values are "Title", "Email Address" and "Area".
6. Select one thing from the Gallery control and Insert a Check box control (Insert - > Input - > Check box) at the right half of a thing as underneath.
PowerApps Export Collection to CSV
Presently we want to add a section as IsChosen which worth will be bogus. For that, make a PowerApps Collection where you can undoubtedly add this segment and set its worth to bogus.
Add a Button (Insert - > Button) and set its Text property to "Supplement Data to Collection".
Select the Button and apply the underneath equation on its OnSelect property as:
PowerApps Create CSV in SharePoint Document
Presently we will perceive how to make a CSV record in Powerapps and store that document in a SharePoint Document Library. For this thing, we will utilize the Power Automate or PowerApps Flow.
a. On the PowerApps screen, Create another stream (Action - > Power Automate - > + Create another stream).
b. Sign in with Power Automate (if not) - > Go to My streams (in the left route) - > Click on + New dropdown - > Select + Instant-from clear choice.
c. Enter the Flow name (PowerAppsCreateCSV) - > Choose PowerApps choice to set off the stream - > Hit on Create button as displayed underneath.
Then, the Flow screen will show up with the PowerApps activity. Underneath the PowerApps activity, simply add another step and afterward add a Compose activity. This activity has one info field as:
1. Inputs: Click on Dynamic substance tab - > Ask in PowerApps as like beneath.
Presently save the stream and return to the PowerApps Page. Embed a Button on the PowerApps page and set its Text property to Create CSV.
Select the Create CSV Button and add the stream (Go to Action - > Power Automate - > Click the stream [PowerAppsCreateCSV]) on it that you have made as of late.
Subsequent to including the stream PowerApps Button, it will seem to be "PowerAppsCreateCSV.Run()". Before that, you want to make two factors with JSON Format as:
1. varExportCSV = Variable name
2. DropColumns = PowerApps DropColumns capability prohibits segments from a table or assortments
3. colPatientDetails = PowerApps Collection name
4. IsChosen = This is the segment that you have included the Powerapps Collections
5. "Creator", "Made", "Proofreader", "Age" = These are the sections present in the SharePoint list
6. varJson = Variable name
7. PowerAppsCreateCSV = PowerApps stream name
You can allude to the beneath screen capture. Whenever it is finished, simply Save and Preview (F5) the application. Click on the Create CSV button and afterward the stream will set off.
In the event that you will go to the Flow and check the Flow History, you can see the stream has been set off effectively. Open the as of late succeded stream and extend the Compose activity as displayed beneath. Duplicate the entire things from the OUTPUTS segment and glue it in a notebook. We will involve this code in the following activity.
Then, Edit the stream and add another step underneath the Compose area. Embed Parse JSON activity and enter these beneath input fields as:
2. Content: Go to Dynamic substance - > Select Outputs choice under the Compose segment.
3. Pattern: Click on the Generate from test choice and glue the code that you have duplicated in Notepad. Click on Done.
When you will add or glue the code, then the JSON composition will look like as the beneath screen capture.
Presently again save and test the stream from the past succeded run. Then, at that point, the stream will succeed. When you will extend the Parse JSON, you can see the right JSON outline design in its OUTPUTS segment as displayed underneath.